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tv   KPIX 5 News on the CW  KBCW  March 19, 2013 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT

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♪ ♪ we are stars ♪ fashioned in the flesh and bone ♪ ♪ we are islands ♪ excuses to remain alone ♪ we are moons ♪ being controlled by the pull of another ♪ ♪ and i just wanna be loved by you ♪ ♪ yeah, i just wanna be loved by you ♪
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♪ i just wanna be loved by you (gasps) (shallow panting) ♪ yeah, i just wanna be loved by you... ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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. this is kpix5 news on the cw. a wet end to winter was a forecast holds for the first day of spring. >> school kids out to save a classmate. why they want their fellow fourth grader returned to the u.s. >> and abuse of power. allegations in one bay area city, why some workers want their boss fired. good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ken bastida. it started coming down around rush hour and while the rain didn't last all that long, it
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is not completely over yet. our chief meteorologist watching the weather on our high definition doppler. >> the rain fall right now is conspicuous because yes, right around 6:30 to 7:30, it was pouring in many spots. look at the radar right now. nothing over the bay area. now let's go to time lapse and look at all that rain fall that moved through. we would see steady rain fall for hours. it was one wave that moved through, now we are getting a break. we're not done yet, but the rain was likely the heaviest rain fall. the storm is splitting. look at all that rain in the pacific northwest. more rain fall will be directed to our south. we are caught in the middle. we'll have showers out there, but the heavy stuff will miss us again. here we are, i want to stop the clock right there. 8:00 tomorrow morning, it will be wet for the morning commute. we'll talk about when the sunshine will come back and have that forecast coming up. >> we'll see you then, thanks. you can track the rain any time
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with our live high definition radar. that's on our website. >> a boy who spent his entire life in berkeley is being told he can't return. now, his fourth grade classmates are fighting to bring him back from a family vacation that ended in deportation. kristen ayers shows us they sent a powerful message. >> rodriguez's family has been living in the u.s. for years on visitor's visas. they let their visas lapse, they were deported in december and now an unlikely group, a group of children is fighting for their return. first, they stormed the steps of berkeley unified school district. then, the gaggle of fourth graders took to the city council chambers. mounting a campaign to bring this boy, a classmate caught in
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a deportation nightmare, back from mexico. >> my home is in berkeley. >> he has been living legally with his family since he was 18 years old. he barely speaks spanish, but he and his mother talked to us via skype from mexico where they have been stuck since an expired visa prevented the family to cross the border. >> we want to eat to live better. >> they know they broke the law by not renewing their visa, but classmates from jefferson elementary and their parents. >> people say no, we start fighting. >> are fighting for humanitarian parole. allow the family to return to berkeley. the only home rodrigo have ever known. and tonight, they brought it to the council, pushing for a
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resolution, urging area congressmen to pay attention and lobby on rodrigo's behalf. >> what about rodrigo? who is fighting for him? >> rodrigo and his family watched the whole thing via skype tonight, humbled. >> you guys are doing a big thing for us. thank you. >> the berkeley city council unanimously approved that resolution, pushing for humanitarian parole. those fourth grades say they are not done yet, they are hoping to go to washington, d.c. to testify before congress in april. reporting live in berkeley, kristen ayers, kpix5. >> unless there's an intervention, by law, the family will not be allowed to reapply for visas for five years. enter supporters of the richmond city employee who blew the whistle are gaining
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momentum. >> corruption has to stop, and this is clear evidence. >> dozens of protesters giving city leaders an earful for allowing the city manager to keep her job after she misused public resources. as kpix5 reporter shows us, workers won't back down until the big boss is fired. >> people are silent because they are trying to do their job. >> the city of richmond hasn't been fired, despite findings she abused her office. a grown up of demonstrators gathered. among them, the whistle blower who turned her boss in. >> the message is clear. there is no crime in the city of richmond. if she gets to keep her job. >> lesli knight is the hr director and an independent investigation concluded she was driving a city car while also taking a city stipen met for a personal car. knight ran her side business,
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making trinkets inside city offices and even used city so board innocents to work for her. she became a victim of her boss' retaliation. >> she documented my conversations. she moved me around like i was a ping-pong ball for the last four years. >> you need to step up, get rid of her. >> inside tonight's city council meeting, the fire works continued. >> let's get it settled and take action like you're supposed to. you are here to guard our money. >> city manager says knight's transgressions are not fireable offenses. she wasn't suspended while the investigation was underway. the mior and city council member planned to introdeuce introduce, if she still has her job next month. >> stacey plumber talked to investigators with the district attorney's office as well as the fbi. we checked, no charges have
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been filed. reporting live in richmond, joe vasquez, kpix5. >> the whistle blower also continues to work for the city of richmond as she has for 26 years. >> super bowl 50 is still three years away, but the concession stand is open in santa clara. the city is sweetening its bid for the big game and len ramirez tells us, they are leaving critics with a sour taste in their mouths. >> as it comes together in the parking lot of the great america theme park, plans to host a super bowl here are firming up, too. >> lots of people to santa clara and lay the ground work. it will get us on to the circuit so every ten years, we are looking at a super bowl. it will fill up our hotel spaces. >> there are three major hotels in the area, but santa clara could be missing out on millions of dollars in a move to win the bid for super bowl l over rival, miami. santa clara city leaders are set to give in for financial
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demands, including foregoing the 9.5% room tax for hundreds of employees. santa clara would give up super bowl tickets surcharges and wave parking fees. it all amounts to $6 million in potential revenue lost. >> i think they are selling us out. >> debbie was against building the stadium to begin with. now she wonders why the city is giving into the nfl. >> i understand the desire to want to be famous or put on the map. i don't want to be put on the map for being stupid. >> miami isn't giving up its hotel tax, neither is san francisco which will be the center of many super bowl activities. >> is santa clara giving up too much? >> we make sure we have assurances and the form of an mlu to make sure our costs are met. >> show me the money. how are we going to pay for not waiting for donations or a letter of credit. that doesn't pay the bills. why are we paying an expense when they are making the money?
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>> the mayor mentioned is a memorandum of understanding and an agreement between the super bowl host committee and the city of santa clara to go out into the community and raise private money to pay for santa clara's cost. in santa clara, kpix5. the nfl will make a final decision in may between the san francisco, santa clara bid, and miami. and checking bay area headlines, a pedestrian has been killed walking on the cal train tracks south of the station near west virginia street in san jose. this happened just after 4:00 this afternoon. and delayed service during the rush hour. it is the third fatality on the cal tran corridor this year. san francisco police believe they have arrested the man who killed a long-time newspaper vendor. 77-year-old dallas ayers worked for 30 years selling papers. the 36-year-old mark casel is charged with grabbing airings
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last january 28, lifting him in the air and slamming him to the ground. >> and the bay area trooper, tyler carlton has been named the nation's top trooper. the international association of chiefs of police recognized 26-year-old officer for his heroism. a gunman shot carlton's partner in september in alamo. he died at the scene, but the chp said the actions that day stopped the gunman from shooting other people. with a plea to protect the poor and the environment, pope pope francis was installed as the pope of the church. 150 cardinals and 200,000 catholics. the pope rode around st. peter's square for almost an hour before the mass began. he stopped to kiss babies and ordered the pope mobile to pull over so he could bless a man who couldn't walk.
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meanwhile, the pakistani girl shot in the head by the taliban returned to school in england. the 15-year-old has been receiving medical treatment in the uk. she was shot last october because of her support for girls education. today the girl said wearing a school uniform again makes her very happy. coming up, another campus massacre avoided by a quick- thinking student. the frightening confrontation that likely saved a lot of lives. >> a mainstay of military weaponly sidelined after a deadly accident. what happened during a training exercise at a remote nevada base. >> we are helping facilitate what is in the economy. >> and the trickle up economics that is fueling the bay area recovery. how small businesses are building the boom one job at a time.
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with the smirk on his face and a t-shirt with the word, killer scrolled on it, an ohio teenager appeared in court to hear his sentence for killing three classmates last year. 18-year-old, t.j. lane turned to the victim's families if court, cursed and made an obscene gesture. sentenced him to life in prison. he was not eligible for the
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death penalty because he was a minor when he opened fire on students in his high school cafeteria. the mother of one of the students killed called lane a quote, pathetic excuse for a human being. >> another campus tragedy averted by an alert student. tonight we are hearing from the young man who saw his roommate with a gun and then called police. cbs reporter, marchly hall, on the law enforcement response. >> police entered the dorm room of 30-year-old james oliver under the blare of a fire alarm they say he activated to lure students out of their room. they found him next to his bed, dead because of a self- inflicted gun shot. and a backpack filled with explosives. police say he kept a to-do list leading up to his final act, crossing off each task as he completed it.
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>> last one that he scratched off was activate the fire alarm. the last one on his list. >> gunman's roommate called 911 from his hiding spot in the bathroom. >> he is there with some sort of gun, large assault gun. >> he made contact with me. >> authorities also discovered two packages in the university's mail room tuesday. they were delivered march 12, but he never picked them up. >> what was in the mail waiting for the deceased were tactical sling, the training video, and two 22 round magazines for the gsg weapons. >> his family released a short statement describing him as a loner with no history of violence. police still can't explain why he suddenly changed. cbs news. >> the suspect was not registered for any spring
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classes. investigators are still looking into why he was on campus. the use of 60-millimeter medical reporters have been banned after eight marines died during a training exercise involving that weapon. it happened overnight at the hawthorne army depo. investigators say a medical morter round exploded. the force from north carolina. the hawthorne depo is used by the marines, army, and navy for training. a hiring boom happening right here in the bay area if you haven't noticed, despite what the numbers say. at 8.9%. the state's jobless rate is the highest and it's not expected to go down much this year. but, the bay area is a different story all together. the trickle up economics fueling a small business job boom. >> linda and susan just
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started a new company. they planned sales events looking to buy and sell used children's clothing and supplies. and this is what makes it real for them. an official company logo. >> we have been using it on our business cards, or a car magnet. we've been putting it on our fliers, on our website. >> they are indicated, and i think we're in good shape. i think the bay area is in great shape. >> patrick is the ceo of 99 designs. a platform that matches freelance designers with businesses launched during the recession and witnessing a boom in activity. >> we are helping facilitate what is in the economy. businesses are going online, going mobile, this requires the design. we help facilitate designs against the global platform. therefore, it has its own momentum. >> it has doubled his staff at the company's five-year birthday party, there's a lot to celebrate. don't mention the slow recovery, where logos tell a
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different story. >> the jobless rate is expected by more than a point by the end of 2014. our entrepreneurs, linda and susan, hope to contribute to that job growth. >> that's eventually would be my dream to hire more people. and to just make this more of a fun office. >> so economists predict the jobless rate will drop to 8.4%, but not until 2014. despite that, they are considered to be the best employment markets in the country with high demand for engineers and of course designers. kpix5. >> well, paul, we were sort of enjoying a little bit of rain here, but it looks like it might have passed, is that true? >> that was fast, wasn't it? 30 minutes, done. stick a fork in it. thankfully there's more coming tomorrow, but we had a decent dose of rain fall prompting for the evening and then, nothing. let's take a look at the nothing on the radar. it is what it is. whatever mother nature throws
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our way. the heavy rain fall is on the i- 5 corridor. sacramento, stockton, getting snow in the higher elevation in the sierra, for us currently, it is bone dry. some video to show you from earlier today when that rain fall did begin to come down at a good clip. we had the umbrellas out and it was light to moderate rain. it wasn't anything too heavy. we did have some rain out there earlier, but right now, the radar is clear. we have less than six hours to go in winter. spring, it will be spring when you wake up tomorrow. spring begins tomorrow morning. let's take a look at why we are getting some rain fall, but not much. we haven't been talking about a split flow, where the low pressure center is going well up to our north, up into british columbia where they get rain a lot this time of year. and we are getting jet stream energy staying to our south. yes, we will have a front, yes, we have had rain from time to time. we got the pollen out of the air. that's a good thing.
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i have not heard sneezing. allergy levels would go down because of the rain and rain around tomorrow morning as well, until this boundary moves through, which will not be until wednesday afternoon. so in many spots, it will be a soggy start to your wednesday. high pressure builds back in. high pressure gives us sunshine. saturday, sunday, monday, minimum of 5 straight dry days. let's talk about how much rain fall. tomorrow will be a wet day. santa rosa, 2/3 of an inch of rain. and 1/3 for concord. what to expect? we will be wet at times. rain tapering off by tomorrow afternoon. sunshine is back on thursday. highs right around 60 tomorrow. san jose 61. liver more 60. palo alto, 60 degrees. union city, also 60. rain early for concord. and the upper 50s for mill valley. your extended forecast calling for sunshine to return on thursday, upper 60s, and right around 70 degrees for friday,
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saturday, and sunday with mainly sunny skies. all the rain is coming up tomorrow. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,
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retailer, the black luon pants and crops came out nearly see through. the company is offering full refunds and looking into what went wrong. but, its stock did a downward dog on the news today. the recall could cost the
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clothing maker millions. well, it's a common site on the beaches of california, a full grown elephant seal wandered on to a main boulevard about 200 miles south over the weekend. it took a leisurely stroll, blocking traffic for more than an hour. the ten foot long half ton seal seemed in no hurry to leave and no one wanted to make him. smart move. well, much cuter creature lost in alaska. this polar bear cub was rescued and brought to the zoo after its mother was killed. he is only three or four months old and weighs less than 20- pounds. the zoo says he is eating and doing very well in captivity, charming the staff, as you can imagine. >> the 49ers add a probowler to the roster and st. mary's tips off march madness tonight, and kpix5 is your home for march madness. fill out your bracket and take our bracket challenge on
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looking like a cornerback...picks off the for the middle tennessee, first half, looking like a cornerback. kicks off the pass and takes it in himself. st. mary's up the 9 at the half. tonight, he returned with five three pointers, st. mary's is moving on to auburn hills. they'll take on memphis. things are physical. robbie and stanford hosting seven f. austin, the cardinal doing their own version. stanford hangs on for a one point win. 49ers agreed to


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